
Monday, January 24, 2011

My Favorite Green Tea can be no more....

My Favorite Green Tea of all time is some crap. It has 61 grams of sugar in it. 61 grams??? The sugar content equals that of 4 slices of Cherry Pie. Cherry Pie? Really?? I am so distraught. I really loved this damn drink. And it tastes so refreshing and good for you but it's not. And I mean it's really not. The article said instead to drink Honest Tea Green Dragon Tea which has 16 grams of sugar. 

I am really pissy about this. For real. Why? Because I could have eat 4 slices of pie instead of drinking what I thought to be something good for me, which I obviously see now is not. UGH! I hate food manufacturers. Are they trying to kill us? I mean I think they are. They want us all dead and/or sick. I really got be a reading food label whore. I  mean and be real serious about it because here I am thinking I'm doing something good and I might as well be sitting down engorging on a whole damn Cherry Pie like some greedy yuck mouth monster. 

I mean who would have ever thought a damn bottle of green tea would equal that of a damn Cherry Pie?Okay, I'm done. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My First Weigh In at Weight Watchers

I actually joined Weight Watchers online on Monday 1/10/11 but I wasn't able to attend a actual meeting until today 1/13/11. I weighed in and purchased my Member Kit which was on sale for $39.95. It includes everything you need and it also came with a free Points Plus Calculator, which I am very happy about. The Points Plus calculator also was on sale by it self for $5.95 which is regularly $15.95.

The Member Kit comes with a Dining Out Companion, A Complete Food Companion and a 3 Month Tracking Journal and it comes in a really neat Binder to keep all your items in as well. Last time I had joined WW the place where I went to the meetings never had member kits so I've never been able to have one until now.

Because I am a HUGE meat eater, I wanted to also purchase a food scale so that I am able to make sure I am eating the right amount of meats cause I tend to eat more meat than vegetables all the time. With the food scale, I can't go wrong and it calculates the points out for you as well.

I actually weighed more than I thought when I went in so that was a minus cause I have more to lose but a plus cause it gave me more points. She said as I lose weight my points will decrease. I have a short term goal of 6 pounds so Here we go!!! Let's see what the next week will bring. Wish me Luck!!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

My New Year Hair Do!

Hello All! I went to North Carolina for vacation and I got my hair done by Best Friend. Decided to get all black this time for the New Year. I'm wearing mostly black, grey and brown until I lose weight so I figured I'd get my hair to match. LOL Hope you like it. My husband really does. I like the fact that I just wet it and apply a few products and keep it moving in the mornings.

I need to start buying my hair online though because in the beauty supply stores it is waaay overpriced.
This hair was $39.99 a pack. The hair I wanted was $80 a pack but I just couldn't see spending that much even though the weave was Free. LOL I found the $80 weave online for $40 after the fact so that's how I will be purchasing my hair from now on. I don't know how long this will last because once the hair starts to tangle and itch me like crazy, it has to go. I will try to keep it in for at least a month though. So we'll see.
I have the Mac Pink Friday by Nicki Minaj Lipstick but I covered with a slightly darker Pink LipGloss because the Nicki Minaj pink is too too pink. It'll make you look like a damn clown if you just wear that alone. You either have to put it on lightly or wear something on top to bring it down a bit but I like it though.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Tank - Now or Never (Review of his new CD)


This man has really outdone himself with his newest CD entitled Now or Never. This CD is sexy as hell. I listened to it last night while I was going to sleep and he put me out. You hear me. Tank knocked me out with his music. I think he got me pregnant last night cause this music is sexy, erotic and just down right orgasmic.

Song after song has a really nice beat. It's what people like to call grown folk  music. One of my favorite songs was the 1st song released off the CD called "Emergency". I heard this for the 1st time of Steve Harvey's radio show and i was in love after the 1st time I heard it. I have to say this and this is really hard for me to even admit but Tank is giving my baby Tyrese a run for his money vocal wise. This mans voice is amaaaazing. I already know Tyrese could get it but Tank, oh yeah if he sang, he could get it too. TMI! Yeah I know but I'm just saying. That voice will make your panties fall off. LOLOLOL

The 2nd song I heard off his CD is called "Celebration" featuring the rapper Drake. Yep you guessed it, Sexy. I love it! This song you could probably 2 Step to just like Sex Machine which has a banging beat too. I don't know who helped produced this CD but they did the damn thing. This is baby making music.

Then he has a song with Chris Brown called "Foreplay". Take a listen. HOT! HOT!

Okay there is another song called "Scream" on his new CD that I love too. His falsetto makes you wanna go into your Get it Tank.

This is a dedication song called "You Mean that Much". The piano on this song is simple but lovely.

"Can I" is a song that you make hot passionate love to. Yes! Yes! Yes! LOL Tank is so underrated!

Then he re-did the classic song "I can't make you love me". O.M.G! This song will make you cry. The vocals on I would love to sing this with him. I freaking love this song. Watch him perform it live. I don't know when he is going on tour but I will be there....front and center.

Gives me chills.

That voice, That voice, That voice...That sexy ass voice. Tank you got me. I thought I loved you on your last CD "Sex, Love & Pain" with Maybe I Deserve and My Body and Please Don't Go and My Heart but you have outdone yourself this time. I am hooked, line and sinker.

One more song "Amazing" is beautiful.

The chorus says: Amazing, incredible, Outstanding, that's what you are 
Mind blowing, your beauty is showing Amazing, that's what you are 

To say Tank is underrated is a understatement, but he is. Underrated to the 10th power. I am in Love.
Purchase his CD so you can fall in love to. It's definitely worth it. It's $8.99 at $7.99 for the digital download. Go get it! You won't be dissappointed.

I went to bed listening to Tank, I woke up listening to Tank and I'm still listening to Tank right now.

Tank - Emergency (Video)

This is the video for the song Emergency on Tank's new CD called Now or Never. This CD is the ish! I'll give it a review in my next post. Love him!!!!!

Tank - Sex Machine (Video)

O.M.G. I love this song. Sexy beat, I love me some Tank. Enjoy! For those of you who don't have it...PLEASE GO GET IT! It is the sexiest CD I've heard in a very long time.

Happy New Year!!!!

Happy New Year folks, today is the 1st day of 2011! Glad we all made it. Hope you will have a very fulfilling year. I have some things I'm working on. I won't really call them resolutions, just improvements. I'm sure there is something that we all can do better on. A friend of mine talked about this in her blog and it made me think. What can I improve on? Plenty, let me tell ya. LOL I will begin immediately working on those things to make myself a better me. 364 more days to go til 2012, Time is flying....Enjoy the ride.