
Anthony Hamilton's New CD "Back to Love"

Well, Well, Well.....Anthony Hamilton is back and he's done a good job. I really like his New CD.
My Absolute Favorite Song is "Who's Loving You" Take a Listen:

My 2nd Favorite song is the one he has with Keri Hilson, It's called "Never Let Go"

If you don't have his CD, Go get it! It's good music. It's $9.99 at

Le'Andria Johnson ministers at Mt. Zion

If this doesn't bless you, you must be D.E.A.D.
I could barely sit still in my seat. Lord Have Mercy this girl is anointed by the Lord & Savior Jesus Christ and you will be blessed listening to her.


This is a bad, bad girl. Every time I hear her sing it makes something move on the inside of me.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Adele's Song "Do you Remember"

I've been hearing about this Lady name Adele. Everybody has been raving about her CD but I've really never been interested in her but since I keep hearing people talk about how good her CD is, I downloaded it last night and although I'm not interested in the entire CD, there were a couple songs that blew me away.

This is one of em. It's called Do You Remember? Almost brought me to tears. I could feel the emotion of this song and her voice gives it so much depth and life and feeling. I'm a fan. Enjoy....

Monday, December 5, 2011

Bullying MUST BE STOPPED!!!!

I can't stand a liar or a thief but another thing I also can't stand is a Bully. Bullies are Punks. Why pick on someone just because they are different than you? What do you get out of that? Bullying comes in all forms and not only do kids do it but adults too. This video made me bust out in tears seeing this little boys pain. All he wants is to live his life just like everybody else but he's getting picked on by other kids in school. Do they think they are better than him? How would they feel if they were singled out and picked on? I mean 1 person is bad enough but then I'm sure they all gang up on him and just start throwing the insults his way. I can't condone this behavior from anyone. Anyone!

I've been very vocal to my kids about picking on people. It's not cool! My youngest son is dark skinned and over the years he has been talked about for being SO DARK as they call it. He has said to me before that he wished he was lighter. I had a long talk with him about his skin color and explained to him that there is nothing wrong with being darkskinned. I also made sure to tell him to never pick on someone for whatever reason.

Before I do anything to anyone and treat them a certain way, I always say to myself....How would I feel if someone did that to me? And that's what keeps me not taking parts in situations such as these. So you do the same. Before you decide to gang up on someone and talk about them or pick on them, say to yourself. How would YOU feel if someone did that to you?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Trying a 2 Strand Twist.....AGAIN!

Hello All, I have grown sick and tired of wigs. Sick AND Tired! If I don't figure out a natural hairstyle that I can create and maintain myself soon I'm gonna scream. So here's pictures and video below of me attempting this once again.....

This video is of the actual twists BEFORE taking them loose.

This video is of me AFTER i take the twists loose.

This video is once I try to style the twists and form it into a actual hairdo.

Needless to say, it is NOT perfection. It's progress but definitely NOT perfection.
I'll keep trying because I desperately want to wear MY NATURAL HAIR. If I can't get it right, I don't know what else to do. I DO NOT want to go back to a relaxer. That is the absolute last resort. Me and relaxers don't get along well. My hair is soooo much  more healthy now than it ever was before so for that I am grateful.