
Saturday, March 23, 2013

I WON Centric's Soul Train Awards Photo Contest!!!

I entered the "Happy Hour Photo Contest" done by Centric TV and I won. There were 49 people who entered and I won. I am so happy about it. LOL I won with a total of 218 votes. The pic I entered was from the night I went to their Happy Hour Tour Concert at The Fillmore with Fantasia Barrino. It was of me and her together. The pic of me is god awful but I was so happy to meet one of my favorite singers...I DID NOT CARE!!!!!

I posted that pic with pride and asked my FB friends to vote for me and they did. I got so much support from my family and my friends on Facebook. They voted and voted and voted again.

Several times I asked for people to vote and they did, over and over again. I am so appreciative.
The runner up had a total of 98 votes so I had 100+ more votes than she. How cool is that?
I have the best Facebook friends ever!

I wanna do some shoutouts for those that I know voted for me several times....

Rinaldo, Angela, Barbara, Taya, LOBO, Lisa, Michelle, Brandy, Carrie &Atisa. 

I also want to thank all the Ladies of DCSG, MDSG, NCSG, Girl Talk & The Wives for supporting me as well. I couldn't have done it alone. Thanks to each and everyone of you.

My High School Classmates, Barbara, Atisa & Carrie showed their support by sharing it on their personal Facebook pages as well.

I won tickets to the 2013 Soul Train Music Awards. 
Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I met my American Idol...Fantasia Barrino

Last night, 3/5/2013 I met Fantasia up close and personal and almost lost my mind. My friend and coworker who I affectionally call Lonnieboo. We have been friends since she came to work there and yesterday morning she came to work and said "what are you doing tonight?" I said "nothing". She said "do you wanna go see Fantasia in concert tonight?" I almost lost my damn mind.

Anybody who knows me knows how much I love two female singers most of all: Brandy & Fantasia.
I fell in love with Fantasia Barrino every since I saw her audition on American Idol. From the moment she opened her mouth I was in love. When she sings I get goosebumps. I knew she was gonna win from that very moment and won she did. She has a voice straight from Heaven.

Centric TV sponsored a concert last night at The Fillmore in Silver Spring, MD and it featured Fantasia in concert. She had a meet and greet BEFORE the concert with her fans. I won by Instagram. There was a post asking two questions and if you answered correctly, you would have the chance to win. My best friend BAM told me about the post on Instagram so I went there and answered the questions.

When we got to the venue, we stood in the back of the line until a guy came and asked if we had VIP tickets, which we did so he told us to come to the front of the line. While standing in the VIP line, @neek1064 who was running the contest came and asked if anybody in line had answered the questions on Instagram and I said yes. She asked me my name and looked for it in the comments and told me to come with her and that I was going to get to meet Fantasia in person and take a picture with her. I was ecstatic. Never did I think when I woke up on Tuesday morning that I would be meeting Fantasia Barrino on Tuesday night. What a awesome day this was in my life. We were told to sit down on the couches and that she would be down shortly to meet us and take pictures. Well, Fantasia never came. We waited and waited and waited and waited some more but No Fantasia. :-( I was heartbroken.

We went and reserved ourselves a table in the VIP section so that we would be ready for when she came out to perform. Shortly after the DJ came over the speakers and said Meet & Greet for Fantasia in the Lobby. Go now before you miss it. So we hauled ass to find out where to go. We got there and they stated that they could not let us in because we didn't have a white wristband. I'm like are you freaking kidding me. We won the Instagram contest. They were like we can't let you in without a white wristband. Sorry. The lady said go back upstairs and ask them to give you a white wristband and we can let you in. We went back upstairs and told the girl who had let us in prior that she didn't give us the proper wristband to meet Fantasia. She said I'm sorry but I don't have authority to give you that wristband, you're gonna have to convince one of her people to tell me to give you one. It was me and two other Ladies begging and pleading for our white wristband to get our chance to meet Fantasia. We told her the whole story how we won, waited in VIP for Fantasia and she never came. We were finally able to persuade her and she gave us the white wristbands. We hurried back downstairs to the Lobby to get into the Meet & Greet and this time we were let in with no problem.

We sat down on the couch and awaited Fantasia's arrival. And arrive she did, beautiful and sweet as ever. I was right next to one of my Idols. Fantasia Barrino. She began to talk to us about her new album. She looked amazing. Pounds Lighter and Looking happier than ever before.

We were each given the opportunity to take a picture with her which were taken by a professional photographer. While taking my picture, I asked her if I could take a pic with my cell phone and said "sure baby" and threw up the peace sign. LOL I was so nervous I couldn't even form a decent smile.
Her people said cell phone pics weren't allowed but she let me do it anyway. I LOVE ME SOME TASIA!!

They gave me a autographed poster of her as well on my way out the door. Everyone who was at the Meet & Greet got a copy of the poster already signed by Fantasia. Time was of the essence so they didn't want everyone asking her to sign things so they had these already waiting and signed for us.

The professional pics will be posted on Centric TV's Happy Hour Tour page.

When Fantasia came out to perform, she gave us every bit of her and then some. She sang about 10 songs which included about 3 cuts from her new CD and several from her 1st CD and her last CD as well. She sang Angels, Lose to Win and a new cut called Get it Right that will be on her new CD. There were several other songs she sang as well that I didn't get to record and/or didn't post on YouTube because I was too busy trying to enjoy the concert myself. And enjoy it I did.

Here are a couple videos of her performing including one where she repped the DC Area by performing Go-Go for us as well. I love me some Fantasia. Even more now than I ever did before.

Fantasia performing new song called "Get it Right"

Fantasia performing "Angels"

Fantasia repping DC performing a GoGo song.

Fantasia performing the last song of the night "Lose to Win"

Last Night I met my American Idol....Fantasia Barrino!!! Changed my Very Life!