Thursday, March 10, 2011

Vending Goes High Tech...How Cool!

Vending Machines should have progressed long ago. Not having a dollar or enough to change to get something out of a vending machine is annoying. I really like these new ones. Especially the ones that inform you about the product, that way you know what you are getting before you purchase it. Flix on Stix seems okay but I don't like the idea of it self destructing but at least you don't have to return it. Cool!

They even have a Vending machine out called Zoom Office where you can buy gifts, Ipods, printer cartridges, etc. I really dig Technology.

In China, they have vending machines where you can buy live crabs and in Italy they have a Pizza Vending Machine where it makes you a actual pizza right then and there.

They have a Cotton Candy vending machine too. Niiice!

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